Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Perfect Pitch Benefit You As a Musician-Singer

Are you a musician? If so you may be about to have your world rocked...If I played you any note on a piano, do you think you could identify that note by ear? If not, the Pure Pitch Method could be just what you need. Read on to find out if the pure pitch method lives up to its claims...

Musicians with perfect pitch can often play songs by ear, sing any note from memory and instantly work out intervals or chords after hearing them only once. I'd been playing the guitar 15 years and didn't even know these things were possible, that was until I found out about the pure pitch method.

Here are some of the claims the pure pitch method makes -

Easily memorise melodies by ear

Tune your instrument without a tuner or pitch pipe

Sing any note from memory

Name any note or chord

Play your favourite songs by ear

Improvise with confidence

Even if you're a half way serious musician you will be able to see how powerful something like that could be. I've been playing the guitar many years and when I heard about this I jumped at it.

I've been studying the pure pitch method for just over a month and the progress I've made so far is nothing short of shocking. I can't name all 12 notes every single time yet, but I've been able to impress my friends and band mates by naming random notes and chords, which is pretty cool and it still surprises me how quickly I can do it.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Pure Pitch Method

Pure Pitch Method will help you learn both pure pitch & relative pitch. The effect of this will be to make you an immeasurably better singer, songwriter, & musician (no matter what instrument you play.)

The Pure Pitch Method uses an innovative approach to ear training. It works by using powerful exercises which train both relative and absolute pitch at the same time. And by employing a revolutionary method called audiation the student is able to start hearing notes in their mind and connecting them to note names.

They work by building up your inner ear. It is basically like you're learning how to visualize sounds in your mind. Trust me, it sounds a lot harder then it is. In fact this method of learning is so powerful that within the first lesson many students have already embedded their primary anchor note and can begin to name a number of notes just by hearing them played back.

The Pure Pitch Method is 100% guaranteed and since there is a full money back refund period of 8 weeks there's no risk involved in buying it. If you are unsatisfied with it for any reason (and you won't be!) you can easily receive all of your money back. There's nothing to lose, and golden ears to gain!

The website is filled with customer testimonials so you know that this product has worked for many others. If it's worked for them then surely it will also work for you.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Learn How To Sing Correctly And How To Avoid Mistakes

There are four tips that can help you on your way.

1.Desire and a lot of it. You must have an absolute passion and drive for singing. You must believe in yourself enough to know that with enough time and practice you will become a great pitch perfect singer.

2.Practice. Self explanatory really... but what does practice really mean? It certainly does not mean mindless repetition, practice really means setting goals, working on areas that need improvement, understanding your voice and how it works and monitoring your progress.

3.Finding and using the correct information. this can be done in a number of ways. The best and often the most expensive way is to find a professional vocal teacher. If you are beginning a book or on line course may be the answer for now.

4.Immerse yourself with other singers. Somethings just cannot be taught methodically through teachers and courses. Sometimes you can pick up many new ideas and techniques on how to use your voice simply by being around other musically minded people.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Learning To Sing Is Possible

Too many people think that learning to sing well is impossible. Too many people think that you are either "born with it" or you can never become a good singer.

If you have a hard time carrying a tune but have always wanted to be a good singer, let me tell you the good news! This is simply not true. Unless you are tone deaf you can become a good singer.

Before you get too worried that you may be tone deaf, let me assure you that if you were tone deaf you would already know it! Very few people are actually tone deaf. It's a very rare condition. If you were tone deaf you would not be able to differentiate between different tones at all.

There are two major facets to being a great singer. The first is ear training. You only sing and play as well as you can hear. A good sense of relative pitch is necessary to be a good singer. Perfect pitch isn't necessary but it obviously helpful. The second facet is of course the singing itself.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Perfect Pitch Training

What Is Perfect Pitch?

It is the ability to recognize notes and keys simply from hearing them (without any reference pitch.) For example, someone with this ability would be able to name the note someone played on a piano with no reference. Just from hearing a single note played, the listener would know what the note was. Another great example of this incredible skill would be a singer that can sing the note A without any reference point.

How Can Perfect Pitch Improve Singing & Musicianship?

While it will not automatically make you a great singer or musician, it will certainly make it much easier to develop skill as a singer and as a musician. It will make it much easier for you to be able to play a song back just by listening to it. It will make you far more likely to be able to sing on key. It will enable you to know what key to play in.

Relative Pitch

Developing perfect pitch is great but you must also develop relative pitch to have a real understanding of music so you can become a better singer, piano player, guitar player, songwriter, or even just to improve your appreciation of music. Luckily the Pure Pitch Method includes ear training that works to develop both very important skills.

Monday, July 21, 2008

3 Tips on How to Sing Better - Learn How to Be a Better Singer

Here are a few tips to help you sing better

1. Know your voice capabilities

Picking the right songs can help you sing better. You need to under your vocal capabilities and the tone of your voice. Some people are suited for deep, melancholia type of songs as they have a low voice.

Some people will sing better when the tempo is faster. There are also ways to fake your voice so that you can give a loud, screaming performance without straining your voice or a mellow performance without sounding weak.

2. Practice

Even the most singers in the world with the most beautiful voices needs to practice as well. Today, with modern technology and the karaoke, anyone can learn to sing and be as good as their idol.

3. Open Your Vocal Chords.

Before singing a song, there are some practice vocal chords you can try to basically "warm up" your vocals. This allows you to hit the higher and lower notes easily without sounding like a wrecked train.

There are also many singing software and courses that can help you sing better. These are suitable for people who have not much time and can practice their singing anytime they want.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Perfect Pitch For Singers - Can Perfect Pitch Make You a Better Singer?

While it's true that no one single ability a singer possesses can make him/her a star. However, you've no doubt heard of perfect (absolute) pitch. And most likely you've heard that many of the great vocalists of our time, like Frank Sinatra, Bing Crosby, and Mariah Carey, had perfect pitch. It's the ability to recognize and name tones heard without any kind of reference.

You no doubt can see how an ability like this, while not turning you into a rock star or opera diva overnight, could add an incredible new dimension to your singing. Imagine yourself being capable of the following:

  • sing melodies perfectly after hearing them just once
  • sing perfect back-up or harmonies for a lead vocalist singing an unfamiliar song
  • sing complex melodies/scats with great ease
  • compose entire melodies in your head
  • never sing off-key again!

Besides the above mentioned skills (not to mention the ability to impress your musician friends!), acquiring perfect pitch as singers will also elevate the joy we experience in singing, and heighten your appreciation for all types of music.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

How Can I Become a Famous Singer Now?

How can I become a famous singer?
You have to remember that practice makes perfect, so you have to be patient. In order to understand some of the mistakes you're making, you may want to observe professional musicians. You can watch them on TV and then learn more about them on the Internet.

You can learn a lot by researching your favorite singers. Try to understand their style and what distinguishes them from other performers. How did they get started? What kind of crowd do they attract?

The need for voice lessons
If you're serious about improving your singing performance, voice lessons are a must. These lessons should be from a professional voice coach who can identify your strengths and weaknesses based on experience.

Those lessons will likely include vocal warm up exercises which can help increase the strength and quality of your voice. If you're consistent and patient with your lessons, you will soon notice significant progress.

To understand how important voice lessons are, you should realize that singing improperly could damage your voice in the long run. There are some simple tricks to improve singing methods, but unless you are aware of them you could be harming yourself.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

The Myths Of Learning To Sing & Developing Perfect Pitch

The human voice is an instrument and it can be mastered by anyone who does not have some sort of obvious physical or mental defect. The only exception to that rule are tone deaf people. And before you raise your hand and say "Oh, yes, that's me. I'm tone deaf!" Please realize that if you were tone deaf you'd know it. Very few people are actually tone deaf. To be tone deaf means you can not differentiate between two pitches played at all. For example you could go to a piano and play a C note and then a G note and you'd have no idea that they were two different notes. Does that sound like you? If not then you are not tone deaf! Don't use that as an excuse!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Learn How To Sing Online

In order to learn to sing, you can go to a singing lessons class or school but many people do not have the time to attend classes either because of family commitments or work. For these people there is an alternative, you can learn to sing online with the help of your computer, an internet connection and a singing learning software. Just as it is done in schools, this software is designed to help make learning singing easier and with this you can learn at your own time and at your own pace. The only difference is that when you learn singing in a school you would most times get a degree at the end of the program, but when you do it from home you are just doing it for basic knowledge. Going to singing classes can at times be expensive because you will have to pay for the lessons being delivered to you by the hour.

Learn How To Become A Singing Star

To be a professional singer, you need to be tough as many a times you will be facing difficulties such as criticisms and rejections. If you know how to take control of situations and handle criticism a diplomatic manner, you will have certain advantages over other professional singers. Learn to be bold enough to accept criticisms as passive advices and you will go places as a professional singer.