Monday, September 22, 2008

Learning To Sing Is Possible

Too many people think that learning to sing well is impossible. Too many people think that you are either "born with it" or you can never become a good singer.

If you have a hard time carrying a tune but have always wanted to be a good singer, let me tell you the good news! This is simply not true. Unless you are tone deaf you can become a good singer.

Before you get too worried that you may be tone deaf, let me assure you that if you were tone deaf you would already know it! Very few people are actually tone deaf. It's a very rare condition. If you were tone deaf you would not be able to differentiate between different tones at all.

There are two major facets to being a great singer. The first is ear training. You only sing and play as well as you can hear. A good sense of relative pitch is necessary to be a good singer. Perfect pitch isn't necessary but it obviously helpful. The second facet is of course the singing itself.

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