1.Desire and a lot of it. You must have an absolute passion and drive for singing. You must believe in yourself enough to know that with enough time and practice you will become a great pitch perfect singer.
2.Practice. Self explanatory really... but what does practice really mean? It certainly does not mean mindless repetition, practice really means setting goals, working on areas that need improvement, understanding your voice and how it works and monitoring your progress.
3.Finding and using the correct information. this can be done in a number of ways. The best and often the most expensive way is to find a professional vocal teacher. If you are beginning a book or on line course may be the answer for now.
4.Immerse yourself with other singers. Somethings just cannot be taught methodically through teachers and courses. Sometimes you can pick up many new ideas and techniques on how to use your voice simply by being around other musically minded people.