How can I become a famous singer?
You have to remember that practice makes perfect, so you have to be patient. In order to understand some of the mistakes you're making, you may want to observe professional musicians. You can watch them on TV and then learn more about them on the Internet.
You can learn a lot by researching your favorite singers. Try to understand their style and what distinguishes them from other performers. How did they get started? What kind of crowd do they attract?
The need for voice lessons
If you're serious about improving your singing performance, voice lessons are a must. These lessons should be from a professional voice coach who can identify your strengths and weaknesses based on experience.
Those lessons will likely include vocal warm up exercises which can help increase the strength and quality of your voice. If you're consistent and patient with your lessons, you will soon notice significant progress.
To understand how important voice lessons are, you should realize that singing improperly could damage your voice in the long run. There are some simple tricks to improve singing methods, but unless you are aware of them you could be harming yourself.